So today a spent a few hours redesigning my Z axis since the
old design would have potentially caused some binding issues as the screw was
behind the linear guides which would have possibly caused the bed to want to
angle down when raising the bed and cause the bed to angle upwards when the bed
is being lowered.
Knowing that
when I build this printer I will do all the testing without the enclosure since
I will have easy access to all the mechanics and electronics I had to also add
a bracket to the top of the Z- stage to which I can mount the stepper motor.
Before the stepper motor was designed to mount to the enclosure which was a
poor design since removing the enclosure would have meant detaching the coupler
and removing the Z axis stepper motor. So now the Z stage is simply two smooth
linear rods with a screw in the middle which attachés to the stepper motor at the
top. At the top the stepper motor mount to a plastic(3D printed) block which is
also where the ends of the smooth linear rods are press fitted into
position...and this is similar to the mounting system at the bottom where the
three rods meet the base pan where again 3 plastic blocks will be screwed to
the base pan which has press fit mounts for the rods.
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